Monday, June 6, 2011

Loving God

This week we learned our second of four legacy principles we should apply to our lives and teach those we influence if we desire to Live a Legacy for God’s glory. We talk a lot about loving God as a church family. We do so because Jesus says that loving God and loving people are the most important aspects of everything God has commanded. That makes them pretty important.

As followers of Christ we are supposed to invest our lives in growing in depth of love for God and others. It seems so simple, yet this is exactly where spiritual depth is found. We can know all kinds of biblical facts, teach great lessons, share our prophetic gifting, and pray fancy prayers, even in King James English, but without love it is all meaningless (1 Cor. 13:1-3). Therefore, if we are going to Live a Legacy for God’s glory we must allow God to transform our humility into a great love for Christ.

Legacy Principle #2: Love God the most.

Ask these types of questions:
What is biblical love?  How does biblical love differ from worldly love?  How can we demonstrate that we love God? What are some things we need to cut out of our lives because we do love God? What are some things that we need to add to our lives because we love God? What does it mean to be controlled by the love of Christ?
Or any others you find in The Journey Daily Guide.

Memorize this verse: shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all you soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
~ Mark 12:30, ESV

Read and discuss these passages:
Mark 12:28-34
2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Remember to keep it simple and frequent, applying the Moses model for spiritual growth. It is likely that you will get tired and frustrated as you attempt to lead those you love toward loving Jesus deeply. Pray and seek the leading of Jesus instead of trusting your method. As you get tired and frustrated keep asking and seeking, so that you and those you love might be transformed by the love of Christ.

May God bless you as you choose to grow deeper in your love for him in your life this week.

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