Friday, November 13, 2009


I have taken a little break from posting on this blog and I am not totally sure why. I think the major thing is busyness. I have been working in my life on how not to be busy. The bottom line is I don’t want to be busy because it leads to a lack of depth in every relationship I have. I know this for sure, that busyness is the enemy of spiritual growth. I also know that attempting to keep the lines of communication open is a constant battle.

This is true in every area of life. Keeping the lines of communication open in relationships and in organizations requires diligence. I know this is true in my relationship with Jesus, my relationships with my wife and children, in my relationships with friends. It is also true in my relationships with those I work with closely as well as those who are part of the Trinity Church family.

When I get busy, I stop communicating. Over the past few months I have had to make choices about what I will and will not do. I have had to choose what it is that I am committed to. Through this time I have set some goals as far as communication. I am committed to communicating the Word of God with clarity. I am committed to communicating with those who attend a weekend service and take the time to respond with a communication card. I am committed to communicating with those that I pray for. I am committed to communicating with my wife and children. Most importantly I am committed to communicating with Jesus.

This past weekend I taught on Matthew 7:1-12. In my preparation the fresh insight that God opened my eyes to was in the part of the passage that I thought I knew the best. In verse 7, Jesus tells his disciples that they are to ask, seek, and knock. I believe he is teaching us to be persistent in our relationship with him; that when we desire his righteousness above all else, we will be seekers of his presence in our lives. We will be people who long for communication with the King, who are then empowered by his presence to live out the life he has for us. This is the best gift we could ever receive. The best gift is Jesus' presence giving us joy, peace, and contentment in order for us to live lives that reflect this incredible Sermon.

Who is it that you need to renew your commitment to communication with? May God bless you as you take the time to slow down so you might ask, seek, and knock.