Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Unself... moving from me to we in community

God is in the business of bringing change to the world in which we live. The question many of us face is, how can we really change? We try and strive but end up on a merry-go-round of effort and failure. I believe real change happens when we learn to pray God’s Word. That is why our next series is not only going to focus on what God’s Word says but on praying it into our lives so it becomes who we are.

Our society is consumed with self. We are self-preoccupied people. The life that Jesus calls us to is the exact opposite of the "self-life" of our culture. As followers of Jesus instead of being consumed with self, we are supposed to be consumed with a love for God and a love for others that moves us toward being servants to the world around us.

This series will look at seven Psalms from the nation of Israel that are totally relevant to transforming our lives. We will see how we can overcome such "self-problems" as self-centeredness, self-assertiveness, self-righteousness, self-pity, self-service, self-sufficiency, and self-love by praying these Psalms together. God wants us to make a difference in this world for his glory but it requires that we Unself.

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