I never cease to be amazed at the way God lines things up when He is trying to teach us something. I use a daily devotional as well as a systematic Bible reading plan for my personal prayer/worship time each day. It is amazing how often what I am reading in one has to do with the other when the two are not related at all. This week my Scripture reading, daily devotion, and a segment I saw on TV news all met at the same subject - tolerance.
This week I have been reading through Jeremiah. Jeremiah was addressing the shortcomings of the religious leaders, the prophets and priests, when he wrote, “They have healed the wound of my people lightly, saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ when there is no peace.” (Jer. 6:14 ESV)
One of the most popular messages of our day is that of tolerance. In the news is the story of a first grade teacher in San Francisco who had her class attend her lesbian wedding at city hall. This was part of a class field trip. The guest commentator on the news program made a comment that this trip was a good thing because it taught the students about being tolerant.
Have you ever noticed that those who who proclaim the gospel of tolerance seem to be the most intolerant of the message of Jesus Christ being the only way to God? Is tolerance really a goal that a follower of Jesus should aspire to? Those who claim to be tolerant vehemently attack the exclusivity of the claim of Jesus Christ being the only way to God. There can never be peace between the world's system and the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Just as the prophet Jeremiah we face a choice. We can either embrace the claims of tolerance declaring peace, or we can proclaim the truth. The truth is that Jesus is “the way, the truth, and the life.” That message is not popular, or tolerant – it is simply true. As followers of Christ we need not be afraid of the truth.
I wonder if sometimes the people of today feel that tolerance is like forgiveness. Some of the people I engage with over spiritual debates say that they know it is wrong for themselves, but for the person making the wrong choice they will be the ones that have to deal with those consequences when they are confronted with the Holy Spirit. I put them on my prayer list immediately so that they will learn the truth. I also make myself available to them whenever they need to talk about their battle within themselves. Sometimes they change, sometimes I have to be patient and diligent in my prayers for them.
I think you make a great point. There is a tension between standing for truth and sounding judgmental. Your choice in seeking God for changing their hearts is always the best option. We will rarely be successful engaging non-spiritual people in spiritual discussions. It is always best to plead before the throne of grace.
Good stuff brother Dave! ;-P
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