Thursday, May 5, 2011

Living a Legacy

There are 168 hours in a week. As followers of Jesus, we have all the same demands that the world places on unbelievers plus the need to guide our own hearts along with the hearts of others we influence. So how do we do it? How do we ensure that we are influencing our children and the other people in our lives in the direction of Christ?

We start a new series this week about living lives that leave behind a legacy of humility, love, and joy reflecting the heart of Jesus. This series isn’t just for parents because we are all called to influence the people that God has placed into our lives for his glory. It is, however, essential for parents to understand their vital role in Living a Legacy as they seek to guide their children’s hearts toward Christ.

I am excited about this series because I have so much to learn in this area personally. That may seem weird, but even as a pastor I struggle with what it means to be the primary spiritual influence in my family. So I want to encourage you to not miss a week over the next seven, as we go from Mother’s Day to Father’s Day discovering what it means for us to be people who are Living a Legacy.

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